Senin, 17 Desember 2007

Asthma in children: the enemy in the house

The growing isolation of the buildings can facilitate the emergence of humidity in the home. According to a Finnish study, molds arising could contribute to the development of asthma in children.

First chronic condition among school children, asthma has been rising steadily for several decades in industrialized countries. Faced with this multi-factorial disease, many risk factors related to the environment were incriminated both in the development of the disease and crises. Among them, moisture and mold arising…
Moulds trigger crisis

Child Asthma house "Many studies have shown an association between excessive moisture in buildings and other respiratory symptoms, bronchial as wheezing, coughing, asthma or a" note the team of Juha Pekkanen department Environmental Health at the National Institute of Public Health in Kuopio (Finland). "But if the role of this factor is found in the exacerbation of existing asthma, it had not yet been established in the outbreak of the disease."

To assess this, Juha Pekkanen and his colleagues then enlisted for four years all children from one to seven years with asthma who had just been diagnosed. In the end, 121 children were selected, which were compared with untreated asthma 241 of the same age. All had lived at least two years, or three-quarters of their lives, their current home.
A diagnostic technique at home

The originality of this major Finnish study lies in the fact that, in addition to an interrogation pushed and dosing specific antibodies (IgE) to identify a possible allergic ground, all children have been visited at home by experienced technicians, in charge to inspect all parts according to a very specific protocol. These specialists have evaluated every house humidity and the presence of mold. Leaks water marks condensation, damp patches, color changes affecting building materials… everything has been reviewed!

The result is very clear signs of moisture or mold visible were found two to three times more often in living rooms where small asthmatic children than among witnesses. A moisture or mold infestation in other parts of the house, like the attic or cellar, on the other hand appeared without major effects on the airways.
One in five asthma-related moisture

The authors also analyzed the causal link between asthma and moisture depending on the age of children. The result: up to a childhood asthma in five could fall under this origin! The risk increases with the degree of humidity and the presence of visible mold in the rooms, especially in the bedrooms, the study concludes. Physicians should now have this question in mind when they seek the origin of a childhood asthma. And when in doubt, a technical inspection at home by a professional might be helpful.

In conclusion, the authors suggest that "moisture problems within the homes do not aggravate existing asthma, they can also contribute to the development of a persistent asthma." The mechanism, however, remains to be specified, Finnish doctors admit. But now, the authors stress the importance of careful design of buildings, as well as good construction practices. Just as they insist on the importance of housing maintenance, in order to prevent damage from moisture and their consequences for the occupants.

David Bême

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