Selasa, 18 Desember 2007

Asthma Bronchial Diagnosis treatment

Is bronchial asthma?
The asthma is a disease of the airways in which inflame the bronchi, in the form continuous or recurring, resulting in blockage of the bronchial tubes, which are responsible for conducting the air breathed into or out of lungs. These obstructions can stop spontaneously or through specific treatment. The blockage is due to bronchial hyperreactivity of some people or, in other words, to an exaggerated response of the bronchi to various stimuli, such as infections, allergies, emotions, exercise, etc.. In an asthma attack occurs shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing, produced by the passage of air through a narrow channel.
This obstruction is a variable intensity and happens usually in the form of "crisis".
The frequency of these "crisis" is highly variable, in some cases only one or 2 times a year, but usually several acute attacks within a short period of time, especially in times of climate change in time or cold .


The clinical diagnosis is fundamentally, the main feature of asthma are the "wheezing or whistling chest" that sometimes is accompanied by a wealth of mobilization secretions or "phleghm"; cough, with or without sputum, it is also a symptom important. The severity of the disease will be determined by the respiratory distress that may arise.

It is important to note the warning signs:

     * Cianosis, ie purple coloration on lips and nails;
     * Pallor marked skin and mucous membranes;
     * The use of respiratory muscles accessories, this happens when there are tense muscles of the neck and retraction of the spaces between the ribs and the hollow above the sternum;
     * In infants flutter nose is a sign of significant respiratory compromise.

The child can be seen further agitated, breathing very fast and with the rapid pulse.



The management of asthma is multidisciplinary. One of the most important points is education of the patient and his family about his illness, family participation is vital. The constant observation and proper monitoring of treatment allowed the patient lead an almost normal life. The asthma management is based on treating broncoobstrucción in their different mechanisms: bronchodilators such as B2 agonists such as salbutamol, Salmeterol. They are popular use bronchodilators administered by inhalers, which are achieved some excellent results fast and if managed properly. The use of inhalers has facilitated the introduction of faster treatment and at home. Anticholinergics such as Ipratropium bromide, which decreases the production of secretions and thus prevent the blockage of small areas and pathways atelectasis. Anti-inflammatory medicines such as corticosteroids and parenteral: prednisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, inhaled corticosteroids: beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone. These medicines are essential in the management of bronchial asthma for the important inflammatory component that occurs in this disease. There are medicines used to prevent asthma attacks since they impede development of the inflammatory process, but should be used for a period of time to see results


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