Senin, 18 Februari 2008

Vitamins And Asthma Relation

More than 10 million American’s throughout the United States suffer from asthma.  Asthma is very common, with doctors considering it to be a new epidemic.  Most Americans who suffer from asthma blame it on environmental pollution, along with the increasing exposure of toxic chemicals throughout the air.  Deaths that result from asthma are on the rise, due to those who have it not recognizing the early warning signs.

The condition of asthma causes the airways in the lungs to swell, throw out thick mucus, and over time spasm.  The swelling that takes place will make the airways smaller, making it difficult to breathe.  The first attack from asthma that you experience may include congestion, pain, wheezing, a shortness of breath, dryness in the mouth, coughing, and a feeling as if you have a fever.

Contrary to what you may think, just about anything can result in asthma.  The more common triggers of it include allergies, an upper respiratory infection, stress, over exertion in exercise, or even the lack of a proper diet.  Out of all the triggers, allergies tends to be the most common. 

In most cases, asthma attacks are the result of exposure to things such as smoke, pollen, gas odors, and even automotive exhaust. Foods can also trigger attacks as well, such as peanuts, corn, chocolate, and almost all dairy products.  If you take any type of antibiotics, tranquilizers, or hormones, it may prompt asthma.  Asthma is a serious and somewhat annoying condition, one that millions of us face on a daily basis.

There are several mineral, vitamin, and herbal supplements that you can take to treat asthma.  Among all that you can take, vitamin B is among the most important.  Vitamin B maintains a biochemical balance in the body and it can also reduce the severity of the attacks.  If you take vitamin A and E together, they can work to protect your lungs against air pollution.  You can also take large doses of vitamin C as well, as it is very effective in fighting asthma.

Gingko biloba is effective as well, as it will enhance your breathing and help with your bronchial reactions.  Oder-less garlic is another great choice, as it contains an anti-inflammatory agent that will reduce your chances of an attack.  Throughout the world of vitamins and supplements, there are many different things that you can take to fight back against asthma.

Anytime that you suspect you may have asthma, you shouldn’t hesitate to go to your doctor and be tested for it as soon as possible.  Your doctor will be able to tell you if you have it, and how severe it may be.  In the meantime, you should avoid known triggers and be sure that you are eating a high protein diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.  You should also eat a few meals throughout the day, instead of sticking with the three most common meals - breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

As a whole, asthma can be very stressful.  There are ways that you can fight back and help to eliminate asthma, which is always great news.   If your doctor tells you that you indeed have asthma, you should ask him any questions that come to mind, as well as his advice on what you should and shouldn’t do.  Even though it may not seem like it at the time, asthma can be prevented, and it doesn’t always have to stop you from doing things you love to do.  Although it may slow you down - you can always stop it.

Senin, 11 Februari 2008

Asthma guide and Enjoy Your life

It is estimated that million peoples in America accept asthma, with 5 actor actuality beneath the age of 18. Asthma, which is Greek for “to pant”, is a abiding lung ache that triggers episodes of coughing, asthmatic and conciseness of animation which is acquired by an deepening of the lungs that aftereffect in the airways to narrow. It can booty abode at any age, and appears to accept a abiogenetic link. Although its affection are controllable, it is not anticipation to be curable.

Triggers for asthma can alter from one being to the added and may accommodate allergens (dust, smoke, molds, pollens, and beastly dander), actinic agents (cleaning products, perfumes, etc.), affecting accent and exercise. The best way to arrest asthma attacks is to anticipate them in the aboriginal place. Simple accomplish accommodate authoritative and managing abode dust mites, beastly accompanying allergens, tobacco smoke, cockroach allergen, cast and added fungal spores and pollens, smoke from copse afire stoves, colds and viral respiratory infection, and concrete action or exercise induced asthma (EIA).

It was already anticipation that concrete action should be exhausted if you had asthma, but today this is not the case. With the adapted precautions, exercise is not alone advised safe, but it is frequently answer as allotment of a complete respiratory ameliorative program. There are abounding means to advice abstain exercise induced asthma. If you accept asthma, analysis with your doctor afore you activate an exercise affairs and get a complete concrete with a analysis of your accepted anesthetic therapy.

Some guidelines:

* Balmy up with 10 account or so of low acuteness walking and affable addition and afore your workout.

* Abstain appliance in cold, dry air or in areas area air abuse or allergens are high. If you charge exercise in a algid ambiance use a bandage or face affectation to allurement the balmy clammy air and anticipate algid dry air from biting abysmal into your lungs.

* Afterwards exercise, be abiding to accommodate a 10 to 15 minute air-conditioned bottomward period.

* Asthma attacks abode cogent accent on the body. Fatigue is common, authoritative it alike added difficult to breath. This is why a bit-by-bit progression with exercise is important. Developing cardiorespiratory fettle will accomplish you feel beneath fatigued and will advice lung function.

* Altered types of exercise may aftereffect affection of asthma. For example, alfresco alive is generally worse than calm alive on a treadmill. To advance cardiorespiratory fitness, activate with 20 (or less) of low acuteness aerobic action 3 times per week, eventually architecture to five. Exercise in 10 minute intervals with a abbreviate blow in between. Use a cantankerous training adjustment applying altered exercise modalities (i.e. treadmill, bike, rower). Pond rarely causes EIA due to the balmy clammy air (however pond in chlorinated pools may be a activate for some).

* Exercise acuteness is additionally accompanying to EIA and should be kept at a abstinent level. You should be able to allocution in abbreviate sentences throughout your workout.

* Long continuance exercise causes added exercise induced asthma again beneath bouts. Sports that advance stop and go activities such as tennis, volleyball & attrition training may account beneath EIA in some individuals.

* Keep your exercise up exhausted by authoritative the best of your workouts, and abstain acceptable apathetic or stressed, aces activities that you adore and can do.

* If a medication is assigned you can use it afore exercise and adviser aiguille air breeze with a aiguille breeze meter. Your inhaler can be acclimated during exercise additionally if affection arise. Allocution to your doctor about how to use your inhaler with exercise. If admitting your efforts, affection advance and persist, stop the action and acquaint your doctor. Your doctor may acclaim simple changes in medication that accomplish the difference.

* Drink affluence of fluids before, during and afterwards exercise. Dehydration causes airways in the lungs to constrict, and makes breath added difficult. Studies accept apparent that this is accurate alike if the alone is not exercising. Appetite is a poor indicator of back to rehydrate, by the time you faculty appetite your anatomy is already defective capital fluids.

* Abstain booze and caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea or sodas; these are diuretics, which cotton-mouth you alike further.

* Exercise-related breath problems additionally action in individuals who accept not been diagnosed with asthma. Bodies with allergies may acquaintance abounding of the aforementioned symptoms, as exercise causes added oxygen demand, breath rate, and cooling and dehydration of the airways.

Although appropriate now there is no cure for asthma, it can be managed with able analysis and affairs management. Authoritative affection may accommodate application an inhaler or added medicine, as able-bodied as anecdotic and alienated factors that may activate an episode. Educating yourself as abundant as you can about asthma and your acknowledgment to exercise gives you bigger ascendancy and a greater adventitious of alive an alive life.

Kamis, 31 Januari 2008

What Causes Asthma...?

We don't apperceive what causes asthma. But actuality are some of the things that can account the deepening in your child's airways that can advance to asthma and astute asthma episodes:

* Asthma may run in families (inherited).

* In some children, allowed arrangement beef absolution chemicals that account deepening in acknowledgment to assertive substances (allergens) that account allergic reactions. Studies appearance that acknowledgment to allergens such as dust mites, cockroaches, and beastly acrimony may access asthma’s development. 1 Asthma is abundant added accepted in bodies with allergies, admitting not all those with allergies advance asthma.

* Some experts accept there are added cases of asthma because of abuse and beneath acknowledgment to assertive types of bacilli or infections. 2 As a result, children's allowed systems may advance in a way that makes it added acceptable they will additionally advance allergies and asthma.

Minggu, 06 Januari 2008

What Is Asthma..? Asthma question

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, asthma is a chronic disorder caused by the constriction of the bronchial muscles.

A chronic disorder of the respiratory tract, where cells and cellular elements play a role, such as mast cells, eosinophils, T lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils and cells epitelialesPor Meanwhile, the College of Medicine, University of Iowa defines to asthma as "a chronic disorder of the respiratory tract, where cells and cellular elements play a role, such as mast cells, eosinophils, T lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils and epithelial cells."

The Merck Manual is a lung disease characterized by reversible obstruction of the airway, with inflammation of the same and increase their responsiveness to various estímulosEl Merck Manual in its centennial edition suggested that asthma is a lung disease characterized obstruction by reversible airway inflammation with the same and increase their responsiveness to various stimuli "


Rabu, 26 Desember 2007

Breastfeeding does not protect against asthma or allergies

According to a study conducted in Belarus by researchers at McGill University in Montreal, with 13,889 mothers and children, breast-feeding does not prevent children from developing asthma or allergies.

The Belarus has been selected as maternity wards have not yet adopted the procedures focused on the well-being of infants, commonly used in most western countries. As part of the study PROBIT (promotion of breastfeeding intervention trial), a randomized control group of maternity hospitals and polyclinics affiliates continued conventional practices while those in the experimental group received training to encourage mothers to improve their technical and the duration of breastfeeding.

After comparing the results obtained in the two groups, the researchers concluded that prolonged breastfeeding had no impact on the development of asthma and allergies in children. Dr. Kramer of McGill University adds that "not only the test results led to the conclusion that there was no protective effect, but they have also suggested an increased risk of allergy skin tests positive . "

The researcher notes, however, that "the Belarus displays rates of allergies and asthma much less important than countries like Canada," but he believes that the results are similar to those obtained in studies of non-randomized cohorts in New Zealand, where allergies and asthma are more prevalent than in Canada, suggesting that the context of the study did not feature could explain the results.

The Histone-AcétylTransférase on a war footing against asthma

Two studies by the University of Nottingham on the causes and treatment of asthma and Chronic Obstructives Pulmonary disease (COPD) could lead to the development of drugs combating these debilitating diseases.

The Department of Respiratory Medicine at the University was granted subsidies of £ 1.24 million to finance research on respiratory diseases. The Wellcome Trust has awarded to Professor Alan Knox and Dr Pang Linhua £ 700000 to study the transcriptional control of gene expression of inflammatory asthma - thus allowing the team to investigate the role of mediators inflammatory in the way asthmatics react to allergens. A second grant of £ 540000 MRC paid to Professor Knox and his colleagues, Professor Peter Fischer and Professor David Heery, the study will inhibitors of the histone acetyltransferase-in asthma and COPD. This study will examine a bank of plant extracts from the University of Strathclyde to try to find compounds that can fight the process Intercellular causing the symptoms of asthma and COPD - airway inflammation that causes coughing, " shortness of breath and chest infections increased.

Even if they are different diseases, asthma and COPD affect the human body in the same way. For asthma, allergens irritate the lungs; for COPD, cigarette smoke is the cause. This irritation inflames the airways of patients whose muscles are closing, creating an effect of narrowing.

Research conducted at the University over the past 15 years have led to the muscle layer airway is more complex than thought. While it produces spasms in asthma and COPD, the muscle layer produces a wide variety of mediators and cytokines - proteins which are used as chemical alarms after coming into contact with allergens or cigarette smoke. Among asthmatics and those who suffer from COPD, these proteins are produced by stimulation of muscle cell walls airways of the lungs, that release of intracellular signaling proteins called 'factors trabscription' which changes the DNA of the cell and activate mRNA. These are the 'transcription factors' that activate inflammation by releasing mediators and cytokines.

The activation status of these transcription factors is defined by the balance between two competing groups of enzymes-called histone acetyltransferase (HAT), and histone deacetylases (HDAC). Among asthmatics and those who suffer from COPD, the balance is altered - and the HAT activated and its HDAC removed, triggering inflammation. Researchers at the University believe that if the balance can be restored by disabling the HAT, mediators and cytokines also will be deactivated and inflammation eased.

Through exploration of the plant extracts may reduce the activation of HAT in the airway cells, researchers can isolate compounds used to suppress inflammation in respiratory diseases. If we were able to synthesize a drug from these compounds, respiratory disorders would be revolutionized. The potential also exists to treat other inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease.

Professor Alan Knox, the Department of Respiratory Medicine at the University, said: "The majority of people with asthma have access to anti-inflammatory treatment good enough that allow them to maintain control of their disease. But nearly 20% of them do not respond adequately to existing treatments. And in terms of COPD, the anti-inflammatory drugs are not very effective.

"By retracing the process trigger inflammation and then identifying compounds that activate or inhibit these enzymes essential, we can launch the development of a drug that could produce an enormous effect on the lives of those who suffer from respiratory diseases and other inflammatory diseases. "

Selasa, 18 Desember 2007

Asthma Bronchial Diagnosis treatment

Is bronchial asthma?
The asthma is a disease of the airways in which inflame the bronchi, in the form continuous or recurring, resulting in blockage of the bronchial tubes, which are responsible for conducting the air breathed into or out of lungs. These obstructions can stop spontaneously or through specific treatment. The blockage is due to bronchial hyperreactivity of some people or, in other words, to an exaggerated response of the bronchi to various stimuli, such as infections, allergies, emotions, exercise, etc.. In an asthma attack occurs shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing, produced by the passage of air through a narrow channel.
This obstruction is a variable intensity and happens usually in the form of "crisis".
The frequency of these "crisis" is highly variable, in some cases only one or 2 times a year, but usually several acute attacks within a short period of time, especially in times of climate change in time or cold .


The clinical diagnosis is fundamentally, the main feature of asthma are the "wheezing or whistling chest" that sometimes is accompanied by a wealth of mobilization secretions or "phleghm"; cough, with or without sputum, it is also a symptom important. The severity of the disease will be determined by the respiratory distress that may arise.

It is important to note the warning signs:

     * Cianosis, ie purple coloration on lips and nails;
     * Pallor marked skin and mucous membranes;
     * The use of respiratory muscles accessories, this happens when there are tense muscles of the neck and retraction of the spaces between the ribs and the hollow above the sternum;
     * In infants flutter nose is a sign of significant respiratory compromise.

The child can be seen further agitated, breathing very fast and with the rapid pulse.



The management of asthma is multidisciplinary. One of the most important points is education of the patient and his family about his illness, family participation is vital. The constant observation and proper monitoring of treatment allowed the patient lead an almost normal life. The asthma management is based on treating broncoobstrucción in their different mechanisms: bronchodilators such as B2 agonists such as salbutamol, Salmeterol. They are popular use bronchodilators administered by inhalers, which are achieved some excellent results fast and if managed properly. The use of inhalers has facilitated the introduction of faster treatment and at home. Anticholinergics such as Ipratropium bromide, which decreases the production of secretions and thus prevent the blockage of small areas and pathways atelectasis. Anti-inflammatory medicines such as corticosteroids and parenteral: prednisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, inhaled corticosteroids: beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone. These medicines are essential in the management of bronchial asthma for the important inflammatory component that occurs in this disease. There are medicines used to prevent asthma attacks since they impede development of the inflammatory process, but should be used for a period of time to see results